Again, here are the 3 Purpose Blocks:
As we move further along our purpose journey path we’re likely to run into the second purpose block: The Doubting Voice.
This Doubting Voice inside you might sound like this:
Essentially, this inner voice is that part of our thought pattern that is negatively questioning everything we say or do.
And the problem is that when your Doubting Voice collides with your Calling, your unfolding purpose, then it wants to find all the ways to keep you from going to the “unknown edge” — to the places that you’ll have to extend yourself, to risk, and to grow in likely uncomfortable ways.
The Doubting Voice’s mission is to eliminate risk, keep things the “safe”, and to NOT be uncomfortable. This obviously puts you at odds with yourself at times, and why it is a core block to living your purpose.
So, how do we work with and neutralize our Doubting Voice?
We have found that the best way to work with the Doubting Voice is to make friends with it.
We know, easier said than done. But here’s our process of be-friending, or said another way, integrating your inner Doubter.
Start with naming the Doubting Voice in you. You might call it: Doubting Dude, or Cantankerous Cathy, or simply Mr. Doubter. What this does is twofold:
Then it’s time to have a brief inner-dialogue with your Doubter. It flows like this:
So, we encourage you to let your Doubting Voice be the new fuel for your growth, for a deeper self-acceptance, that will bring more energy and clarity to your purpose work.